Taylor Swift, Kristin Stewart and former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown walk into a cookie shop...
Okay, we don't know what the punchline is. But here's the point: When we prompted readers to join us in this Cover-to-Cover Holiday Cookie Project, we challenged you to be creative. To tell us about your cookie in just a couple sentences, but feel free to have fun with it. What might you eat with this cookie, we wondered? If your cookie were a celebrity, who would it be?
Boy, did you guys deliver! We have loved all your creative and pithy writeups about the cookies you made.
Today -- the fifth and final day of our weeklong Cover-to-Cover Holiday Cookie Project -- is no exception. The writeups for these five cookies include the aforementioned comparisons to Taylor, Kristin and Sen. Brown, along with cookies likened to "a Bollywood movie," "a French diva," and "a Nordic noir thriller."
We could not possibly have said it any better ourselves.
Raspberry-Hazelnut Thumbprint Cookies
Vegetarian Times
(This photo submitted by Karen & Liz)
Red Velvet Crackle Cookies
Food Network Magazine
(This photo submitted by Kristine)
(This photo submitted by Valerie)
Thai Peanut Butter Cookies
Vegetarian Times
(This photo submitted by John Heath)
Triple Chocolate-Cherry Cookies
Vegetarian Times
(This photo submitted by Stephanie W.)