Bon Appétit (April 2013)
Sometimes you want a cocktail to take the edge off.
Sometimes you want one in order to try a new ingredient, or a new kind of alcohol.
And sometimes you want a cocktail just 'cause it looks really freaking cool.
Enter: the New York Sour.
Bon App says the New York Sour dates to at least the 1880s, but it's gone by other names, including the "Continental Sour" or a "Southern Whiskey Sour." Whatever the name, it sure is pretty. Floating the red wine on the top (by pouring it slowly over the back of a spoon) is a great party trick.
[Update: Several commenters and emailers have asked us whether we actually liked this drink. Answer? Yes, very much! The red wine adds a really nice depth to the whiskey sour, almost like a not-too-sweet sangria. It might not sound like it, but it's actually quite refreshing.]
The finished cocktail is a thing of beauty. You can say it looks like an ombre gemstone, or a pair of tinted aviators. Or you could say it looks like an amazing two-toned sunset.
Or you could just drink the thing.
New York Sour
Bon Appétit (April 2013)
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Note from Zach and Clay: We've tried this drink with both bourbon whiskey and rye. For what it's worth, we prefer this cocktail with bourbon whiskey.
Combine 2 ounces rye or bourbon whiskey, 1 ounce fresh lemon juice, and 1 ounce simple syrup in a cocktail shaker. Fill with ice, cover, and shake until outside of shaker is frosty, about 30 seconds. Strain into a rocks glass filled with fresh ice. Gently pour 1/2 ounce fruity red wine (such as Shiraz or Malbec) over the back of a spoon held just above the drink's surface so wine floats on top.