Here are a few items that caught our attention this month.
Unspoiled Lemons & Unspilt Milk
In the "Notes From Readers" section of the latest Cook's Illustrated, a reader writes in to ask about the best way to store lemons. Since we cook quite a lot, we try to always have lemons on hand and for years we've kept our lemons sitting on the counter top in a bowl. Sometimes they last, but after a while, they turn hard and become unusuable.The folks at America's Test Kitchen, always on the case, did an experiment with storing lemons, both in and out of the fridge, and in a variety of containers (and even no container at all). The result? Lemons stay freshest when stored in a zipper-lock bag in the fridge. We'll never keep ours on the counter again.
There's a second quick tip in this issue that we loved. If a recipe calls for buttermilk, you likely have leftover milk when you're finished cooking. If so, you can easily freeze it in small paper cups. Once frozen, wrap the cups in plastic wrap and store them in a resealable plastic bag. Small quantities will be waiting for you when it's time for more buttermilk.
This Sunday, we're attending Cochon 555 for the second year. At the event, a group of top chefs from the Washington D.C. area will each prepare a heritage breed pig, concocting as many dishes as they can manage. The event is to celebrate heritage breeds and last year the chefs were amazingly creative and the food was outstanding. Needless to say, we each ate our weight in pork.
After this Sunday's event in DC, Cochon 555 is happening in Portland, Seattle and San Francisco, leading up to a cookoff among the regional winners at the Food & Wine Classic this June. If you want to attend one of these upcoming events, tickets are available at
Last week Clay had the opportunity to sample some of B. Hall's gourmet whoopie pies when a colleague brought some into his office. Though the pies are made here in DC, they're available for shipment all over the country and come in many flavors. Clay loved the Vanilla Bean (pictured right, courtesy of B. Hall) and we're dying to try the Raspberry Red Velvet. If you want some for a gift (or yourself), you can order them online.
Happy Spring!