Gourmet (August 2009)
Think of this as a last hurrah of summer.
Sweet corn is still lurking around this part of the country. Sure, it's not in the abundance that we had a month ago, but it's still available at the farmers market.
If, like us, you've binged on corn this summer, exhausting your repertoire of corn dishes, you may need a way to liven up the remaining kernels of summer.
Sometimes it's awfully nice to have a recipe that only calls for four ingredients. In this case, they're all in the name of the recipe: corn, mint, feta and butter.
We've eaten corn with butter about as many times as we've eaten corn, which is to say a lot. But mint and feta add a new flavor twist.
Mixed with butter and slathered on the ears of corn, the feta adds a decadent creaminess to an already delicious combo, while mint adds a nice touch of sweetness.
Truth be told, we prefer our corn pretty plain. The idea of gussying up a nice ear of corn with fussy flavors doesn't really appeal to us. But we liked this mint-feta combo a whole lot more than we expected. We'd definitely make it again.
So the next time you find yourself a bit bored with plain ol' corn and butter, you really ought to give this recipe a try.
Corn on the Cob with Mint-Feta Butter
Gourmet (August 2009)
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(This Photo: Gourmet)
• 1/2 stick unsalted butter, softened
• 7 ounces feta, finely crumbled (1 1/2 cups)
• 1/4 cup finely chopped mint
• 8 large ears of corn, shucked, each cob cut crosswise into 4 pieces
Stir together butter, feta, mint, and a rounded 1/2 teaspoon salt in a large bowl.
Cook corn in a large pot of boiling water until crisp-tender, about 3 minutes. Transfer with tongs to butter mixture and toss until well coated.
Cooks' note: Mint-feta butter can be made 2 days ahead and chilled.