We're far from finished posting about what we've cooked from July food magazines. But in between dishes here's a look at some non-recipe items featured in the last month's food mags.
Attention, Bloody Mary fans: You're going to want to pay attention.
Last summer, our friends Drew and Ralph introduced us to their favorite Bloody Mary mix, with the adorable name Zing Zang. And it was love at first sip.
Zing Zang isn't your ordinary, mild mix that needs to be spiced up. It's fantastic as is, though we still spice ours up a bit. When it comes to bloodies, we love to tinker, adding a dash of this, a smidge of that. We were thrilled to see the mix featured in Gourmet. If you want to try it but can't find it in your area, you can order some from the company's website.
Martha Stewart Living
Interested in u-pick fruits and vegetables but uncertain where to go in your area? Martha features PickYourOwn.org,
where you can find nationwide listings of farms that offer u-pick
options. The site is also stocked with canning and preserving tips if
you want to try your hand at food preservation this year.
Sometimes we're suckers for packaging. That's one reason that Maldon sea salt jumped off the pages. Its classic looking packaging is a adorable, like something you might find in your great-grandmother's pantry. Which might be possible, since the company, based is England, has been making sea salt for more than 200 years. If you can't find it in your local supermarket, you can always order it online. We're eager to try it!
Cook's Illustrated
Cook's has an "Essential Kitchen Equipment" feature with "The 39 must haves in our kitchen that we recommend for yours." Though we're not 100% on board for everything on the list, we loved reading their recommendations. Portions of the list are available on their website.
And Just Because We Love It . . .
For Christmas last year, our friend Katie sent us an awesome package from Nashville's famed Loveless Cafe. The package included some of the smokiest bacon we've ever tasted and some amazing grits. But our standout favorite was the Loveless Maple Syrup which is beyond delicious. We loved this syrup so much that we've been rationing it for the past seven months, only using it for very special meals. Well, we're sad to report that this weekend we finished off the syrup. We're definitely going to have to order some more or pick some up the next time we're in Nashville.
Find The Leftovers from previous months here.