Bon Appétit (February 2009)
Don't let their resemblance to something Sigourney Weaver might fight aboard a spaceship deter you. Tuscan Kale Chips are well worth your time.
A recent dinner with friends finally provided an occasion to try this recipe we had flagged in February's Bon Appétit. Their image of the dish was striking -- beautiful, almost sculptural kale protruding from a beaker. On aesthetics alone, we knew that we had to try it.
This past weekend at the farmers' market, we picked up some kale with this recipe in mind. Kale options were limited (we assume it's heading out of season), but we found some available, choosing a large, leafy variety.
The best part about making Tuscan Kale Chips?
Two ingredients (kale & olive oil) and only 30 minutes of cooking time. We added a third ingredient: a sprinkle of course salt. Bold, right?
The "chips" turned out wonderfully: big, crispy & full of flavor. We served them as a side dish, and everyone at the table eagerly gobbled them up. They were phenomenal.
But we'd love to serve this next time as an appetizer, choosing smaller-leafed kale that would require no utensils. In truth, we didn't eat this kale with utensils, but this size of the leaves and their crispiness required you to either be wearing a bib or positioned above a plate so you don't lose (or wear) any crumbly kale goodness.
Next time, they may be more elegant, but but we suspect they'll be just as delicious.
Tuscan Kale Chips
Bon Appétit (February 2009)
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The tall, crisped "chips" look striking when bunched in a tumbler, and they're terrific with cocktails. Roasting the leaves coaxes out a nutty, briny flavor that's kind of addictive.
Makes 24
* 12 large Tuscan kale leaves, rinsed, dried, cut lengthwise in half, center ribs and stems removed
* 1 tablespoon olive oil
Preheat oven to 250°F. Toss kale with oil in large bowl. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Arrange leaves in single layer on 2 large baking sheets. Bake until crisp, about 30 minutes for flat leaves and up to 33 minutes for wrinkled leaves. Transfer leaves to rack to cool.