Martha Stewart Living (September 2008)
Pork tenderloin has got to be the biggest and best cheat there is. Salt, pepper, pan, stovetop, olive oil, sear, flip, sear, then throw in the oven for a half hour.
It's one of the easiest, no-fuss dishes in our repertoire. In the fall and winter, we make it all the time.
You can get fancier if you want, of course. A pork loin can be soy-glazed, herb-crusted, jerked or barbecued, turned into appetizers, sandwiches, entrees. We're not sure how you'd incorporate it into a dessert, but we're sure it can be done.
Mostly, though, we keep our pork loin really simple: salt and pepper, maybe a handful of rosemary or thyme or garlic if we have it. But that's usually about it.
This recipe, though, has a great twist that's super simple but really takes the pork to a whole new place.